Radiology Centre
Our Self-Conception
The Radiology of the Max Grundig Clinic combines the best for the benefit of its patients. Declared goal – diagnostics at the highest level. Therefore, we have opted, without compromise, for the very latest generation of imaging medical technology, which enables us to examine all body regions. The more accurate and detailed the image quality, the more precise the resulting evaluation and diagnostics will be. And last but not least – the faster the causes of the disease are identified, the greater the chances of cure and recovery with a timely therapy.
We Are the First Point of Contact
We do not only select the appropriate diagnostic procedure from a medical point of view, but we are also the first point of contact for the treating specialist or general practitioner and, of course, for you, our patients. Do you want to know which examinations are necessary or what the right examination method is and what your findings mean? Contact us at any time.
Comfortable and Relaxed Atmosphere
Your examination will take place in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere because we want you to feel at ease with us. Here you will find a lot of sympathy for your personal situation and a dreamlike beautiful environment that enlightens your senses. In our Radiology we offer you the true luxury of Max Grundig Clinic: Ample time for people.
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Huppert
Director of the Radiology Centre
He completed his studies in human medicine and his further training as a specialist in radiology in Leipzig. Before joining the Max Grundig Clinic, he was Chief Physician of the Institute of Radiology, Neuroradiology, and Nuclear Medicine at the Darmstadt Clinic and habilitated in the specialist field of Diagnostic Radiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen. His clinical and scientific focus is on interventional radiology, abdominal radiology, oncological imaging, and cardiovascular radiology. He has been nominated by the DRG and DeGIR societies since 2015 and has been commissioned to participate in the preparation of the S3 guidelines of the AWMF on peripheral arterial occlusive disease, carotid stenosis, and hepatocellular and cholangiocellular carcinoma.

Prof. Huppert began his studies of human medicine in 1973 at the University of Leipzig. In 1979 he received his licence to practice medicine. He trained as a specialist in pathological anatomy and histology at the Institute of Pathology in Leipzig, and in radiology at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology at the University of Leipzig. His doctorate and also his recognition as a specialist in radiology took place in 1984. In 1984 he began his work as a specialist in radiology in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology of the University of Leipzig. Moreover, in 1989, he became a senior physician in the Department of Radiological Diagnostics of the Radiological Clinic of the University of Tübingen. In the same year, he habilitated at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen, where he was granted teaching authorisation as a private lecturer. From 1995 to 1998, he was senior physician at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology in Tübingen, where he received the title “Associate Professor” of the University of Tübingen in 2004. From 1998 to 2019 he was Chief Physician of the Institute for Radiology, Neuroradiology, and Nuclear Medicine at the Darmstadt Clinic. He has published a total of 145 articles in professional journals and book contributions to 15 monographs.
Offices and Memberships in Professional Associations
- Member of the German Radiological Society DRG since 1990
- President of the 99th German Radiology Congress 2018 in Leipzig
- Fellow of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe CIRSE since 1992
- Fellow of the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ESGAR since 1996
- Member of the Radiological Society of North America RSNA since 2005
- Member and subsequently co-opted member of the board of the German Society for Interventional Radiology DeGIR since 2006

The Radiology Team
Excellent Care
What is the benefit of the most modern examination technique without highly qualified specialists who evaluate it? The team at the Max Grundig Clinic’s Radiology Centre, headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Huppert, is always aware of this requirement and ensures precise diagnostics every day, which are the basis for a successful therapy.
We Are at Your Disposal
The six-person team is aware of the concerns and worries of the patients, professionally coordinates all procedures, and accompanies them throughout the entire examination. High-tech medicine is thus naturally pushed into the background, while the well-being of the patient is the top priority. The philosophy of the Max Grundig Clinic, to always achieve the optimum for the patient, motivates everyone and unites the entire radiology team.